Price Match Guarantee

At Grasscity we aim to provide our customers with the best possible price for all of the products we carry on our site. If you come across a product that is available for a lower price somewhere else, please send us the link and we will consider matching the offer.

How does it work? 

  1. Send the link of the identical item found for a better price to and put "price match guarantee" as the subject of your mail.
  2. We will endeavor to reply to your mail within 2 to 3 business days.
  3. If your request gets approved we will make sure we match the price.*

* Please note that this only applies to products that are in stock at other headshops and are not part of our selection of own produced brands like Glasscity, Grasscity, Famous Brandz Products, Mountain Jam Glass Company and non branded products that we produce ourselves. For these products, we have our own minimum advertised pricing (MAP) , if other online retailers advertise below these prices, we reserve the right to refuse Price Matching requests for these.

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